We are incredibly proud of Lily Jobson, who participated in the Regional stage of the Lions Junior Public Speaking Competition last Sunday. It has been my absolute pleasure to watch Lily’s journey from her first speech in the classroom, through the Beechworth level of the competition and finally to the Regional Competition this weekend. Lily competed in the year 3 & 4 section, where the topic for the speech was “ A place I would love to visit”. Lily chose Japan. I have seen Lily’s speech grow from a short 1 minute speech to a well-developed, clever 3 minute speech,
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Comic Art Workshops 19 July 2022
Wednesday was a fun day with Reuben from Fingle-Sin coming in to work with our classes on cartooning. Reuben is a sculptor and comic artist from Apollo Bay. He talked with the students about his journey through school and his interest in comics as a kid, before showing photos of some of his sculptures. He even brought in one to show our students. This was followed by fun times as the students learnt some basics of drawing a cartoon face whilst giving Reuben weird and wonderful ideas for features to include as he drew. The sessions finished off with the
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Goodbye Monkey Nut Tree
Sadly, on the last day of Term 2, we lost an icon from our school yard… our Monkey Nut Tree (Canary Island Pine). With the recent wet weather, the tree simply toppled to the ground. Our students over many years and generations have collected the seeds, affectionately known as Monkey Nuts, from the cones of the tree to use as trading currency to play shops and various other games. We were happy to see the CFA use the fallen tree as they undertook their Chainsaw training. The respect shown to our beautiful tree was seen in this lovely post from
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Year 1 & 2 Albury Library Museum Excursion 14 June 2022
On Tuesday the Grade 1 and 2 students went on an excursion to the Albury Library Museum. The students participated in three different activities. The Questacon exhibit allowed the students to explore different elements of science, use trial and error and problem solving skills. After this, we visited the Crossing Place Museum. Here we went on a quest to find something that caught our attention. We also learnt about objects that were used in the past and what we use now and how it has changed. Our final activity was exploring the library and learning about where the different types
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Pirate Day – 20 May 2022
Today at school we were invaded by Pirates. It was a very frightening experience however they were raising money for kids brain cancer. With the donations made today for dress up day they students raised $205.30. Pirate Day is an annual national day of dressing up to raise awareness and vital funds for childhood brain cancer research. Our SRC thought that this would be a fun way to help others.
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Mother’s Day Breakfast – 6 May 2022
Fortunately the rain held off until after our Mother’s Day Breakfast. It was a chilly morning, but it was lovely to be able to celebrate the significant women in the lives of our students: mothers, grandmothers, aunts, carers and friends. Our staff love the opportunity to connect with you all in a casual setting. Thank you to Beechworth Bakery for working with us to cook and prepare the delicious croissants. Thank you to our wonderful staff, who stayed Thursday night to prepare the fruit salad and were all up early to set up and help out again in the morning.
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GRIP Student Leadership Conference – 3 May 2022
Reporter: Heidi E On Tuesday 3rd of May 4 BPS student leaders- Hayden N, Emily M, Heidi E and Summer R went to the GRIP Leadership Conference in Albury. At the conference we learnt all about how to be a better leader at BPS. During the conference we got a booklet that throughout the day we filled it out. We learnt about how we should listen to each other and work together as a team. We also learnt to try make our presentations and events more fun. Overall we had a fun and enjoyable day and we learnt many new
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ANZAC Day – Beechworth 25 April 2022
On Monday 25 April, Chez and Mrs McDonald were joined by some of our students as we participated in the Beechworth ANZAC Day Parade. This was then followed by the ANZAC Commemoration Service at the Beechworth Cenotaph. We felt very honoured to be asked to present ‘The Cross of the Unknown Soldier”. This task was respectfully undertaken by Pearl F. and Hayden N. Later in the ceremony Hayden and Emily M. presented the floral wreath on behalf of the school. We are very proud of the way that our student leaders and students represented our school on such a special
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Easter Hat Parade – 8 April 2022
On Friday we held our annual BPS Easter Hat Parade. This was a lovely opportunity for children, with the assistance of their parents and friends, to get creative and craft a wild and crazy hat their child can wear as they parade around the basketball courts at the front of the school with their grade. It was lovely to have so many visitors to watch the parade and we even had some little brothers and sisters walk with their older school age siblings. What a beautiful way to end the term. On this occasion our SRC also ran a fundraiser,
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Bonegilla Migrant Experience – 30 March 2022
By Hazel C ‘Yay today I get to go on my excursion to Bonegilla’ I shouted at Violet. Today the 3\4s were going to Bonegilla for our excursion. Me and my friend are going to be bus partners like we arranged yesterday. First, we got to school and marked the roll. Then we went outside and waited a bit then we got on the bus. Me and my friend sat next to each other, my friend sat next to the window. It was a very long bus ride so me and my friend played pat a cake and we didn’t
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