Today our Year 5 and 6 students travelled to Albury to explore the Wonga Wetlands. The students explored the wetlands to develop a greater understanding of the micro-organisms that exist in our local waterways. They engaged in a range of activities to collect micro-organisims, both in the water and on the land. They then used tools including microscopes and computers to discover what they had collected and find out more information about them. They also had great fun constructing shelters from sticks. This required lots of team work and strategising to make the shelters strong. We finished the day off
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2022 Harmony Day
Across the school our students have been focusing on ‘Kindness Culture’ through our activities last Friday and this week. Friday brought the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence and Monday, Harmony Day. Australia is one of the most successful multicultural countries in the world and we should celebrate this and work to maintain it. Almost half of all Australians were either born overseas or have a parent who was. Harmony Week is about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural or linguistic background, united by a set of core Australian values. The students have engaged
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BPS Cross Country – 18 March 2022
Wow, what a great day for our Cross Country! It was great to see the positive encouragement for each other and to see students pushing past difficulties to achieve their personal goals in having a go. I also spotted Kindness Culture with students supporting others, those in the Junior school who held a hand as they started their race, those who ran with someone to bring them home, even a couple of teachers managed a lap to support students! Last year it was all Sambell, this year it was red, red, red with Kerferd tipping the tables and winning the
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SWPBS Family Fun Night – 1 March 2022
It was wonderful to see so many of our students and families come out to our family night on Tuesday. We love the sense of Community the family night brings as we all mingle and chat whilst exploring the school, having a little fun, and sharing in our sausage sizzle. It was great to have everyone engaging in our Behaviours Matrix quiz as you visited each room. Our new values flags look great! They add a splash of colour to the entry of the school, whilst sharing what our school community values. We love our new mascot, BPSie Bee.
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Twos-Day 22.2.2022
Our SRC ran a fun day to celebrate this rare event. SRC Twos-Day, the twenty second of the second, twenty twenty two was a hit! What a day. So many smiling faces dressed up in tutus and blue eating ‘twoperdoopers’. This is beginning to sound like a Dr Seuss tongue twister! Anyway, it was great to have so many students getting out and participating in our slightly quirky school event. Thanks to families for supporting this event – there were many happy students and SRC were able to raise some funds for the school.
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2022 School Leadership Assembly – 7 Feb 2022
Monday morning, we were very proud to recognise those students in the senior classes who are taking on leadership roles at BPS this year. This included our School Captains – Emily Macaulay and Hayden Neville, Vice Captains – Summer Ritzen and Luke Balzer, our House Captains and SRC representatives. We would like to thank Mr Luke Wakefield, Assistant Principal for Beechworth Secondary College, coming to our assembly and presenting the badges to our leaders. Our leadership assembly was followed by morning tea for our school leaders. Our SRC and student leaders, who are supported by Mrs Collier, meet each Tuesday
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St John’s First Aid
The knowledge and skills gained in the First Aid in Schools Program develops First Aid awareness in school children and contributes to building a more resilient community. This learning is age-appropriate and integrates with the Victoria Curriculum F-10. This week, each class participated in a 45 minute lesson with content appropriate to their age and year level. Students learnt how to help out in an emergency. The first thing being to make sure that there is no danger to ourselves so that we don’t become a casualty rather then a helper. Across the school students a given the message to
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Simultaneous Reading Time
National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) is an annual event that aims to engage children of all ages to enjoy books by creating a sense of excitement around reading. This year, we joined in on an intergalactic adventure ‘Give Me Some Space!’ written by Phillip Bunting. For the first time ever, not only was the official story for National Simultaneous Storytime be read by over 1 MILLION kids across Australia and New Zealand on Wednesday 19th May 2021, but it was also be read by astronauts from the International Space Station! This year’s story is about Una, who plans to become an
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Mother’s Day Breakfast 2021
Beechworth turned on yet another beautiful Autumn day for our Mother’s Day Breakfast. It was lovely to be able to celebrate the significant women in the lives of our students; mothers, grandmothers, aunts, carers and friends. Our staff love the opportunity to connect with you all in a casual setting. Thank you to Albury Riverside Bakery for working with us to cook and prepare of delicious croissants. Thank you to our wonderful staff, who stayed Thursday night to prepare the fruit salad and were all up early to set up and help out again in the morning.
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BPS Swimming Carnival
What a perfect day today for our Swimming Carnival! Our day started at 9.15 with a brisk walk down to the local Beechworth pool. Then the students gathered into their house groups; Fletcher, Kerford, Sambal and Ingram. The order of events was co-ordinated and announced by our PE teacher, Mrs Griffin. Events included freestyle, 25 mtrs and 50 mtrs, backstroke, butterfly, breaststroke and relays. We were so proud of the way the students competed and the persistence shown by students who were determined to finish their race no matter how far behind or how tired they were. Sambal was the
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