Digital Maker Week

On Tuesday some Grade 6 students set off to the old gaol in Beechworth to participate in ACRE’s Digital Maker Week. The session was run by a very knowledgeable man called Tim Gentle and his company Think Digital.

The students were very fortunate enough to get hands on to do the following:

  • take a 360 degree photo using the app “Google Streetview”.
  • take a 360 degree video using YouTube 360.
  • experience an underwater virtual reality where you could walk around and touch urchins and jellyfish. For the more brave, finding an angler fish in the dark!
  • use a smart phone to create an augmented reality using a colouring in sheet.

From the looks on their faces you can see just how much they enjoyed their session and opened their minds to new ideas and possibilities in their world.

Bringing the colouring in sheet to life!

Mrs Mac putting herself inside the 360 degree photo


Click here to watch a video of Max in virtual reality!

Many thanks to ACRE for the invitation to be a part of this innovative project.

There is a community session available:

Community Presentation: Tim Gentle presents ‘Top Technology trends you need to know about’. This session is for parents, business owners and general community members – don’t miss out!

Thursday 19th October 6.30-8.00pm: $10 per person, $5 concession