Welcome back everyone, and it’s already Week 5 Term 3.
Our focus for this term will be printmaking, exploring the various methods that include tracings, stencil, stamp, mono prints and block prints.
We have spent the first few weeks tracing our hands and exploring the world of shadows. The Grade 1/2’s did a careful job tracing around an object or toy shadow, cutting it out and pasting onto coloured sheets…very steady hands and very nice work!
This week, we have opened the paint cupboard, rolled up our sleeves and got into the messy stuff…but loads of fun! Grade F/1W and F O’B have created their own stencils and printed with these. They were all very happy to be using the painting equipment…at last!!!
Grade 1/2 GN and Grade 1/2 O’S have used a more modern form of stenciling, laser cut paper. These have various designs and the students were able to use various colours to create their own artwork.
Please keep an eye out around the school for these and other artworks created by our talented students here at Beechworth Primary School
Julie Anders