Probability Carnival

Step right up! Step right up! You have been chosen to attend the inaugural 3/4 STEM Probability Carnival. Students in the middle unit were tasked with researching the kinds of games that are played at carnivals and then using their imagination to create a game of probability and chance that their classmates would enjoy playing.

Research and testing was programmed for the first week of Term 4 followed by an energetic few days of design and decoration. 3/4D led the charge with a glorious display of painted exhibits with 3/4M following directly with an explosion of glitter traipsed throughout the classroom. A creative choice that this intrepid teacher won’t be making lightly again.

On the day of the carnival, excitement was rife throughout the BER, reaching a fever pitch after second break with the not-so-stealthily setting up of snacks and drinks for students to enjoy post-carnival.

The carnival itself was a triumph with students from the middle unit coming together to put on a real show for everyone. While students were tasked with creating a game that could run independently of their assistance, students proudly demonstrated the games for their peers and enjoyed watching others participate.

Upon reflection, students identified what they would have done differently given the chance again, and highlighted how much fun they had had for the duration of the first week back from remote learning.  It turned one of the most challenging weeks of the year into one of the best!

I know I speak on behalf of the entire middle unit when I say we very much look forward to making this an annual event and look forward to hosting it again next year.