Senior Art
Hello everyone, the term is flying by and we have been very busy in the art room. Our grade 5 and 6 students have completed their plaster carvings and have mounted them on card with an Indonesian inspired decorative border. The hard work really paid off and these look great. They are displayed in the art room for all to see. With our Indonesian visitors joining us this week, we have gone off on a little tangent and are now using the Indonesian technique called ‘BATIK’ to decorate a reusable calico bag. Nuri and Aya explained a few of the designs which are commonly found in fabrics made in Indonesia and we are looking forward to seeing what we are able to achieve using the wax resist, dying technique.
Grade 4/5 Dunstan are in the process of enhancing their Plaster of Paris masks, hoping to use some of the ideas we have noted when looking at some Indonesian masks used in puppetry and plays.
Year 3 and 4 had a few messy sessions using our sculpt it product, we will have a class discussion next week to determine if we will use this product for our ‘Mythical creature’ as it is a time consuming product and our armatures are quite large. I’m sure this will be a very interesting discussion.
Junior Art
Our Indonesian focus has been going well among the Junior Art sessions in 3D Construction and Modelling.
Foundation O’B and Foundation/1 W looked at the variety of kites from different countries, including Japan and Indonesia. We were very lucky to look at a Japanese Fish (Koi) Windsock that Mrs MacDonald had kindly borrowed from a friend before we attempted to make our own. Made out of tissue paper, our windsocks were very delicate but looked amazing with the decorative pieces the students added. Unfortunately, they were too delicate to fly but the students were happy to take them home attached to a stick.
Grade 1/2 s completed their kites before launching them into the air. Students had spent a great deal of time making light-weight frames on a template before attaching the frame to their chosen light material and adding any other detail. Despite the excitement and enjoyment of seeing our kites momentarily fly, many kites returned to the classroom needing minor and major repairs.
Our Indonesian visitors, Nuri and Aya explained to the students how masks are worn for performances and dances. After we had a painted a base coat on our masks, Nuri and Aya were able to assist us with our gold and silver pattern work using metallic pens. The students are proud to see their work on display in the Junior hallway and outside the 3/4W classroom.
Next week, we are going to be brave by mixing and creating figurines and sculptures from air-dry clay…a great opportunity to definitely wear our art smocks!!!