Victorian Curriculum

Beechworth Primary School addresses the learning needs of each and every child. Our curriculum program runs on a repeating 2 year cycle, and covers all aspects of the Victorian Curriculum, emphasising Literacy and Numeracy. For our inquiry-based learning we use also use the Victorian Curriculum to sequence and scaffold the concepts. This allows students to explore different topics and themes including Civics and Citizenship, Economics and Business, Geography and History.

Determining the specific learning requirements of each child is the key to our highly successful literacy and numeracy program. Our program is based on the Victorian Curriculum, and rather than just focus generally on the whole class we use assessment data and observations to target individual student’s point of need. This facilitates more accurate teaching and learning. Students may also have individual learning plans designed to fit their needs. In this way, gaps in individual learning are continually identified, and teaching is fine-tuned to address them. Knowing precisely which literacy and numeracy concepts each child needs to develop ensures the progression of all students.

We have teachers dedicated to specialist programs in The Arts, Physical Education, STEM and LOTE. Our LOTE (Languages Other Than English) program focuses on Japanese (F-2) and French (3-6) languages, and more generally, on promoting a cultural and geographic awareness of the world. We also offer an excellent Sports program, with opportunities for students to compete at regional through to state levels. Each year we also host a whole school cross country and athletics and swimming carnivals.

Assessment and Reporting

BPS Assessment

All students at Beechworth Primary School are assessed against the outcomes and learning progression in the Victorian Foundation – 10 Curriculum. Each classroom follows the ‘BPS Assessment Schedule’ to ensure a consistent and accurate record of student knowledge and growth. At different times during the year students will complete a range off different assessments including one on one PM and PROBE reading analysis, Cold Write writing assessments, Essential Assessment math pre and post assessments and ongoing formative assessment in the classroom.

National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy

All students in Years 3 and 5 students sit National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). These tests are set by the Government and they provide the school with a comprehensive view of the progress of each child. They enable the school to compare our data against similar schools and also against national benchmarks. Tests are conducted in May each year, with the results provided to schools by around August. The NAPLAN tests are one component of our assessment program.